Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Beginning with The Basics

In 2017 I began writing a book I called 'The Basics'. I had a modest goal, as I wrote on day 1 in an outline: "In this book The Basics I aim to provide an overview of existence since the beginning of the universe, a detailed look at development on Earth, a more in depth examination of human development, and a description of the key facts of humanity’s current situation on Earth." I felt that we did not have a clear, straightforward description of these four basic things that was accessible, comprehensible to the average person and widely shared. As a result humans constantly struggle with fundamental issues, repeat similar mistakes, suffer unnecessarily, misunderstand the causes of their common problems and are unable to implement solutions, even though we have enormous intelligence and resources available to us. Thus many, many people are unable to live the decent, healthy, happy lives that could be possible. I felt that humanity had lost its way, if we ever knew the way. My idea was to write a kind of textbook for adults, a grown-up version of the schoolbooks read by teenagers that first identify a list of what needs to be understood about a subject, and then explain these important issues with sufficient but not overwhelming detail. The textbook is a guide, a frame of reference that allows the reader to understand the basics of a topic, know where they are and what's going on, better navigate any new situation they encounter, and integrate any additional information that they seek out. In this case the subject of the textbook is humanity and how to have a good life. I feel that as humanity has gone on, instead of creating better and more successful frames of reference that foster this good life, instead we seem to have lost touch with the many past attempts to understand human life and society, whether from philosophy, science, religion, history or other sources. Despite living in a time with a larger human population than ever before, with unparalleled abundance and power accessible to us, and with unprecedented knowledge more widely available than ever, we often seem to be be floundering, ignorant, uncomprehending, unsure of what is happening and unable to improve our lives, collectively and individually. We don’t know where to start, or we focus on the wrong things. I think we need to regain, or develop anew, this larger, historical and global understanding of the basics of humanity and human society. Writing The Basics was my attempt to generate this understanding for myself, and communicate it to others. Because I think it could help.

Subsequently I felt that probably this needed to be four separate, linked books, and quite likely more than four. We need an overview of The Basics, and then other books that examine the essentials of different aspects of human life. I also think that when dealing with any problem, including the supposedly ‘unprecedented’ problem of the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to understand and focus on the daily basics that humans need to survive and thrive. This would be a fifth book: our basic needs, or rights, or essentials for a good life. These basics as I see them, and as many others have seen them, are water, food, shelter, health, education, social connection and work. Even in Ireland, a phenomenally wealthy and highly-resourced country, we do not guarantee these basics for everyone, and instead spend colossal time, effort and money on other, seemingly higher level issues, when not providing these basics undermines or outright prevents real progress on the other issues. Right now, in the world and for humanity as a whole, we don’t come close to ensuring these basics that provide the literal basis for ensuring human life, and the possibility of a decent life for all. I think our discussions of the pandemic and everything else should be starting with The Basics, and proceeding from there, together. Then we would all have a better chance of the good life we all want but repetitively, painfully struggle to live.


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