2017 was not a great year. This is not going to be a review of it. When I thought about something I did this year, something I achieved, something attempted and completed, I thought about one thing - swimming out past the first buoy at Seapoint in Dublin Bay. If I thought more about it, I would probably remember or recognise some other achievements, some other things I tried to do this year that I managed to complete. But I don't want to think about this year more. I don't want to think further about the pain of it, the effort and the trying of it, in the hope of discovering some more things I might feel good about it. That is another night's work. As I said, it was not a great year. What came to mind first, and solely, was swimming out and around this buoy. The buoy is anchored 200 metres out, I think, a bright yellow plastic beacon, replacing the old whitish one that used to be there. For me, it is quite far, in the quite cold Irish Sea. And I felt happy when I was able to swim out to it and back. I did it alone. I already included some photos I took out there in the water, in my blog post for May, which is when I did it. Here is a different one:
And here is another one. Because I swam out there again, in September.
That's me in the picture. It's good to do things you want to do. Good to complete things, do things, achieve things, sometimes. But they're not over. It's good too to keep doing them. To keep trying. Achievement is a process. Living is the struggle. Here's to a new year where I keep trying.

Seapoint, in the water at the first buoy, 7 May 2017.

Seapoint, in the water at the first buoy, 22 September 2017.
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