Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leap day.

29.02.2024. Happy leap day. A leap year. A rare day. Four years ago on the 29th February 2020, the first case of Covid-19 was reported in Ireland. Then, I was pregnant and scared. Covid-19 was all the news but we knew barely anything. Now, here we are. I tested positive for Covid for the second time exactly two months ago. The disease has been surging in Ireland and the US, among others, but is barely reported or remarked on. We know a lot, but choose to do little. Maybe we're all too busy looking at our phones. While the wars rage and the planet burns and the children are killed. We can do more. Better. Much better. But we need to communicate with one another, we need to hope, and we need to act.


A nice piece by KIN MX on Camden Row in Dublin 2. The spirit's wings are feathered by love, peace, compassion, kindness, community, respect, communication and unity. Resentment, hopelessness, revenge, separation, sadness, fear, media, anger, loneliness, depression, and frustration are the tentacles that try to strangle her. But she is clothed in forgiveness, love, gratitude, unity, hope and trust.


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