The city as a Canvaz
Street artist Canvaz had a busy day today, getting up all of these:

A large paste-up that is part of his We Are All Clowns Now series, on a former Irish Nationwide Bank building Camden Street in Dublin 2.

Around the corner in Portobello were all five of the clowns. They reflect Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's model of the five stages of grief, also known as the five stages of coping with death - not in any fixed order they are Depression, Anger, Denial, Bargaining and Acceptance.
Then there was this giant clown on the hoarding around what was once going to be the headquarters of the infamous Anglo Irish Bank, in the city centre.

Nice to see he had his lipstick on for the occasion.
Finally across the Liffey Canvaz painted this figure, roughly entitled, with a nod to Percy French, 'Diggin' for gold (in the street)'.

A very productive day for an artist I much admire, and an entertaining day for us, chasing his shadow around town as we tried to work out his locations from occasional tweets.

A large paste-up that is part of his We Are All Clowns Now series, on a former Irish Nationwide Bank building Camden Street in Dublin 2.

Around the corner in Portobello were all five of the clowns. They reflect Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's model of the five stages of grief, also known as the five stages of coping with death - not in any fixed order they are Depression, Anger, Denial, Bargaining and Acceptance.
Then there was this giant clown on the hoarding around what was once going to be the headquarters of the infamous Anglo Irish Bank, in the city centre.

Nice to see he had his lipstick on for the occasion.
Finally across the Liffey Canvaz painted this figure, roughly entitled, with a nod to Percy French, 'Diggin' for gold (in the street)'.

A very productive day for an artist I much admire, and an entertaining day for us, chasing his shadow around town as we tried to work out his locations from occasional tweets.
Labels: graffiti
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