Graffiti Jam greatness

Absolutely stunning.
I liked DMC's gigantic piece on the right of the first carpark:

Seeing it in preparation the evening before, when just the outline of the lips was in place, I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but the layering of light on the lips, the smoke and the addition of DMC's signature skull really worked. I liked that it could be read as a subtle anti-smoking message as well.
DMC's piece was perpendicular to a large Maser piece, with a lot of the parallel lines he's currently employing in his work:

Also liked it, plus it allowed for some nice photo angles:

Around the corner from them was this excellent boxer, which garnered many admiring comments during the Jam and the next day:

Most of ESPO's work in the Tivoli has now been gone over, but you can see some of its remnants above DMC's new work.
With fine weather the day before, many writers and artists came down to get started on the Friday evening before the Jam on Saturday. Here are some hard at work having almost completed a sequence of three disparate pieces that they made flow together really well:

Including one of the most technically impressive pieces of the whole Jam:

It's always amazing to see the transformation over a few hours of a blank wall space, allocated to a particular artist:

Into an enormous and impressive finished piece:

This was the central wall, previously home to pieces by Flying Fortress and others, and this year painted by Etam. Well executed and clearly highly skilled, though I wasn't one hundred percent sold on the Baba Yaga/roving shed in runners subject.
Seeing the process from Friday through to Sunday also allowed some insight into the planning, sketching and multiple skills required to produce these multi-coloured and largescale pieces. The Jam gives an opportunity to see the normally secretive artists at work, and it's always interesting to see how the pieces evolve.

Moving towards this:

With cool details like flying speakers:

Always excellent to see Rask in evidence:

And great to see this dolmen art by mate Emily:

More female artists needed!
Also really delighted to see Wonky Tan reapplied by ADW:

A second piece by this artist, produced in a fairly astounding two hours or so:

Liked seeing Crap's neo-Celtic knotwork on display for TDA Klann:

Lots of young kids around, enjoying the artwork, or at least playing around it:

Or with bits of what went to make it:

Yes, aerosol can caps, the ultimate toy.
There were plenty of ramps and rails to keep the guys on skateboards and bikes entertained:

While it was entertaining me to see oblivious shoppers and texters wander through the paths of oncoming bikes:

Courage and skills on display and good to see the ramps and steps being provided temporarily, there is such a demand for them. Hopefully a decent skate park will soon be built in Dublin.
Seemed like only the menfolk were risking jumps in the ramp area, but plenty of women rapping and indeed emceeing while people rapped and beatboxed, not that you can really tell from this particular pic:

Happily the threatened rain held off for most of the Saturday.

Later with added bird:

Aerosol superheroes of various kinds in evidence:

I liked this freaky piece by Danleo:

Many other pieces looked even better in the sunshine the next day, the iconic church as always forming the backdrop:

I particularly liked this one, I think by Durex:

Last but certainly not least, this lovely piece by Le Bas:

Deserved kudos to James and the other organisers and to everyone who participated. On the day, I wasn't entirely in the mood to go to the annual Graffiti Jam, but it really cheered me up to see so many people producing such excellent graffiti and art, friendly to a fault and having fun reconfiguring this corner of the city once again.
Many more of my photos of the Graffiti Jam 2013.
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