Last night I went to an incredible gig by Underworld, a musical phenomenon (it's not quite right to call them a 'band') that hold a special place in my heart. I was particularly happy that we made it for two reasons - one, I was determined to see them but had in typical fashion completely failed to purchase tickets, despite knowing about the gig for at least 6 weeks, and of course it was completely sold out; and two, I very much wanted to bring the The Astonishing Boyfriend who also loves them, as a small gesture in return for an incredible surprise he put together for me about a month ago, and which the other people involved in the surprise also wanted to treat him to as a thankyou. So I went down alone, hope in hand, about 30 minutes before the second and final gig last night, and was able to acquire two tickets when some fans unlucky enough to be underage for the over-18s venue were turned away. I was sad for them, but at least their tickets went to people who really appreciated what they were getting. So thanks, anonymous young fans. I was then able to shock TAB with the two tickets, and off we went. It was truly phenomenal. The music was incredible, and intensely powerful, and they played some of my favourite music from dubnobasswithmyheadman, as well as much later material. I was quite frankly deliriously and all encompassingly happy at a number of moments throughout the night. We were right at the front, and I mean right at the front, next to the barrier by the stage, about 6 feet from the customised instruments that they have built, so close that I got handslapped by Underworld at the end of the show. Danced and jumped up and down like it was 1998 (when I first saw them) or indeed 2002 when I saw them from a box seeming to float above the stage and crowd at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York. And there have been other great times in between. A wonderful night. Plus, they had giant inflatable things filling the stage at one point. And that's always good.
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