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It's leap day, the 29th of February, a day that falls but once every four years in the common calendar of this era. Surprise! I won't be proposing (no, no, a thousand times no) but here instead in the name (and Game) of Love, is art from ADW:

Artfully affixed stickers to the advertising hoarding around Spencer Dock Luas station, with a view to the half-built, never-to-be-completed, never-to-be-occupied (or will it?) anticipated Anglo Irish Bank headquarters, and beyond that to the Pigeon House red and white chimneys, symbol of Dublin in simpler times.
I'm still here, we're still here, love and art are still here, may we all jump through many more leap days together.

Artfully affixed stickers to the advertising hoarding around Spencer Dock Luas station, with a view to the half-built, never-to-be-completed, never-to-be-occupied (or will it?) anticipated Anglo Irish Bank headquarters, and beyond that to the Pigeon House red and white chimneys, symbol of Dublin in simpler times.
I'm still here, we're still here, love and art are still here, may we all jump through many more leap days together.
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